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Football 4 Agriculture

For a while now we have been running Football 4 Agribusiness where we encourage our communities to engage in modern and sustainable farming through sporting activities.
Through the program we have created Young Farmer Club an organized one-day tournaments and workshops in this regard. Football without Borders Kenya aim has always been to eradicate poverty and hunger and bring by food security starting with the family unit.
By encouraging and supporting our young ones to engage in agricultural activities at home w ensure that every of our members and their families can cater for their immediate basic needs especially food.


We are excited to report that the football without borders Kenya family is happy that their dream of owning an agri-innovation center is coming together slowly but surely. The Agri-innovation center is meant to be a demonstration unit for our Kick 4 a better Life project. The beneficiaries who are the local farmers, youth and women will now be able to learn about new technology and sustainable agriculture with minimal resources. Thank you to everyone who contributed toward the construction of this greenhouse. We are on a smooth road towards actualizing our dreams of eradicating poverty and promoting food security.

Home 2 home farming

Football without borders kenya endeavored to find easier, faster and fun ways to engage households and our young ones into farming that is why we introduced home to home farming. This kitchen gardens are a simple and superb ways to ensure youth learn about farming and households get food.The project has also ensured parents fully understand the need for modern and sustainable farming and allow their children participate in the Football 4 Agribusiness project.The high cost of living, food cost is the most challenging. With this in mind Football Without Borders Kenya have had to make decisions to ensure families are food secure, by growing own food and ensuring self sufficiency. This way they have cut the food budget by almost half with the goal being to cut it even further.

We have had immense success with the youth who have decided to embrace home to home farming with several already saving money of groceries, eating fresh, healthy and nutritious vegetables and learning life values such as hardwork and patience. We have dared to dream of a community free from poverty, food security and youth who can deal with any life challenge, still we have along way to go a lot to accomplish.
1. Zero hunger
2. No poverty
3. Good health and well being

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