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Hours: Mon - Sat: 80.00 AM - 4.00 PM

Football leagues

FWB-K has over time found a way to integrate Football and Natural learning in a 20minute small-sided match with no referees. Within this exciting Football match questions of the day are placed in corners to be opened, reflected on and answered at particular times of the match. Active learning beats all forms of learning as students get involved, engaged and work together to solve a problem. We have successfully integrated this concept in agriculture, Women empowerment and Afforestation.
1. Kit4Kenya leagues
2. Internal leagues
3. Interschool leagues
4. FKF league
5. Football 4 Agriculture leagues
6. Interzones leagues

Uefa Foundation For Children

We have been receiving a donation of balls,goals and training bibs from the Uefa Foundation For children since 2022. This year was not different as we received the donation in February. The equipment goes a long way in helping us run our day to day programs including skill development, small sided games and after school soccer training.

Kits 4 Kenya

It marked the second year since we started receiving uniforms from Kits 4 Kenya for our various zones only that this year we decided to receive the donation in a unique way by launching the kits 4 kenya tournament that will be held each time we receive this donation. It’s one thing for a young boy or girl to dream of becoming a certain player in England and a whole other for them to actually wear the same kits they see these players with. It’s an inspiration to our teens to persist in their dreams.

The Football Without Borders Academy

The Football for the Goals Tournament

Our academy has had the busiest year since its inception as they participated in two major tournaments that shaped their youthful lives. Football for the Goal offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness and galvanize the world into action on the Sustainable Development Goals. We got an invitation due to our endless efforts to fight poverty and end hunger through our Football 4 Agribusiness program.

The Grass to Grace Tournament

The grace to grass tournament is a grassroot tournament that creates opportunities for youth to get scouted especially for school scholarships, clubs and international call ups. We took our youth to the event to network, get scouted and learn more from their fellows. We also happened to be the best of all the teams who attended and got awarded for success, resilience and discipline. We are looking forward to the next edition as we will get to display what we do and create a learning experience for the participants.